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I’m interested in the ways we come to know and express our bodies from within: the voices we give our ecstasies, pains and in-betweens.

As a painter, I explore visceral sensation, hoping to locate and translate the invisible—my invisible.

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I paint still lives: fruit peeled and rotting, flowers, my body.

Arranged in stillness, but seemingly on the verge, these combinations are meant to conjure verbs. The effects of touch, past or imminent, are accented. Objects are coupled, tied, mashed. Fruit decays, disfigures; flowers wilt as I work. Beauty plays repulsion plays beauty plays narrative plays abstraction.

Growing up in Latin America, I often witnessed how religious images became sites for emotional and even physical projections. This intimate dynamic made a lasting impression.

I blend (ap)perceptions of novels read, things seen, and sensations felt: Mexican votives and impressions of Delacroix, Samuel Beckett’s characters, saintly halos, and my own interoceptions.

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The paintings on this site were created using watercolors on paper.
Dimensions vary (imagine small/medium, not tiny/huge).

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I was born in Guadalajara, Mexico, and grew up in Mexico, the U.S. and Ecuador. I received a BFA from the Cooper Union and currently live and work in New York City.

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Instagram: peo_nia

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Copyright © 2025 Peonia Vázquez-D’Amico. All rights reserved.